
Every individual has only one body and dehydration can be very life threatening if not taken seriously.   Dehydration is caused when individual have not had enough liquids or the body has secreted too much out of it (Are. J. 2008). People would not survive without water for more than a few days, as our bodies need water to help the blood to produce enough oxygen to give nutrients to the cells. Everybody needs water as it’s the base for blood, saliva and to help with digestion. Without water in our bodies, the joints would not be able to function smoothly. When people drink water, it flushes out toxins in the body and away from vital organs. Water makes up 60% of our body weight and is involved in every function that our body needs to stay alive. When people do not drink enough water, he or she will feel faint and light headed. Dehydration occurs in people of all ages, however, babies are that the highest risk. For parents to make sure his or her children are drinking enough fluids, have them suck on popsicles. Not drinking enough water can also given people headaches and make them not feel well. The recommended amount of water for a man is 3.7l and a woman 2.7l. (Grosvenor, 2006)
      Water is very important to all cells as it supplies oxygen. Without the oxygen from the water the cells would not survive. The water is also responsible for excreting waste from our bodies and maintaining our body temperature. Without water in our bodies, our eyes, mouth and nose would be very dry.   When a person’s body does not get the required amount of water it becomes dehydrated. This is not good for the body as the organs need water to function smoothly.   The way a person will know if he or she is becoming dehydrates is by, the lack of urine and the production of tears. His or her eyes will become droopy and they will be very lazy and they might experience high blood pressure.   Our bodies need water as it contains the necessary mineral for our bodies. When an individual does...