Defining Portfolio

  从历史渊源来看,学档评价(Learning Portfolio Assessment)最早作为哈佛大学艺术教育工程“零点项目”中对学生的学习过程和结果进行评价的方法,受到世界各国教育界的重视。美国心理学家、提出多元智能理论的加德纳(H.Gardner)教授认为,利用Portfolio可以很好地评价他所提出的多元智能理论的学习历程,特别是对那些不能采用标准化测验测试的技能,如艺术类能力,因此将其引入哈佛教育学院“零点项目”。随着该项目在美国的推广,更多的学校和科目开始了解Portfolio,并采用Portfolio评估方法(Portfolio Assessment)评价孩子们的学习。“档案袋评价”(PortfolioAssessment)是指在某过程中为达到某个目的所收集的相关资料的有组织呈现,通过这些资料或材料,可以展示事情的进展过程或者个人的成长经历,它是一种教学评价方式。

Defining Portfolio Assessment

Defining Portfolio Assessment

What is a portfolio?
A student portfolio is a systematic collection of student work and related material that depicts a student's activities, accomplishments, and achievements in one or more school subjects. The collection should include evidence of student reflection and self-evaluation, guidelines for selecting the portfolio contents, and criteria for judging the quality of the work. The goal is to help students assemble portfolios that illustrate their talents, represent their writing capabilities, and tell their stories of school achievement... (Venn, 2000, pp. 530-531)
Two Types of Portfolios:
Process and product portfolios represent the two major types of portfolios. A process portfolio documents the stages of learning and provides a progressive record of student growth. A product portfolio demonstrates mastery of a learning task or a set of learning objectives and contains only the best work... Teachers use process portfolios to help students identify learning goals, document progress over time, and demonstrate learning mastery... In general, teachers prefer to use process portfolios because they are ideal for documenting the stages that students go through as they learn and progress (Venn, 2000, p. 533).
Steps in the Portfolio Assessment Process
First, the teacher and the student need to clearly identify the portfolio contents, which are samples of student work, reflections, teacher observations, and...