Death Penalty

Throughout the whole world there are crimes, crimes are something that we can’t control and obviously don’t like, but how to stop these crimes? There are various penalties for controlling them or actually trying to control them, such as putting in jail paying an amount of money and the most polemic one, the death penalty. There are discussions all around us between people who agree and doesn’t agree with death penalty, that is why not all countries authorize them, what do you think is right? Well not all the death penalties are the same; one type is hanging this is when the person is tied and falls so he/she breaks its neck and dies. The other is the gas chamber were you die asphyxiated in about 8 minutes, there is also the electric chair where it fries your brain, firing squad where a group of people shoot at the condemned person and so on. After all what do you think this is the correct decision?
  For me death penalty should be used all around the world, the reason I think this, is that people who kills others with no reason, or maybe for the reason of taking money is something that not even animals does, this is not possibly an act of a normal person. If the penalty of this kind of people is to be in jail or anything else it will not work, because the person will become angrier and repeat the same act as a kind of revenge. Also by having death penalties it will prevent from other people doing such things as killing because they will be afraid of dieing and won’t risk their lives for doing this. Having death penalty will be good in all ways, first the government won’t need to waste money for years with food for these murderers, they won’t need to construct large prisons such as the ones that we have, and they won’t need to be worried what is happening in the prison and what will happen when they get out.   Although I agree with death penalties I don’t think that they should be used for all the crimes, but for the ones who kills people with no reasons, and the...