Dear Diary

Dear diary i’m already a big girl. How many years have passed since i was born. Today i had one of the best birthdays, because my children woke me up, kissed me and congratulated me on my birthday early this morning. I wish you knew how good they are. This morning they asked me about my childhood ( about my born). They even had no idea how different my childhood was from their childhood.

-My darlings- I said- you know that everyone can be happy when the country is independent and strong. Georgia had just became an independent country, but that wasn’t enough. Georgia needed to develop . There wasn’t enough lights, roads, jobs and as you know one of the reasons of my brother’s die was absence of electricity. But our family wasn’t an exception, to have such a tragedy happened. When I was a teenager we received a new Government which did some good things,but many , but I dreamed of living in a equitable country just as it is now . Today you see high rise buildings there, but there were no flats higher than the floor 10. You see relieved people, but there well educated persons hadn’t good jobs in past. If you wanted to protect your truthful , you had to leave your job, you had to confront the government, because you knew , there was an unfair advantage. You knew that the system was built on fear one would never win. I wanted to leave Georgia, but then I realized that it won’t be the right decision, because me and the youth of Georgia were the future of Georgia. And Georgia won last.Now we have an equitable government. Day-by-day the economic prospects of the Georgia are improving. We have celebrities, famous singers,writers. Everyone knows about Georgia and how we had achieved our successes. Georgia is more developed now, but we have maintained our old sights,we are proud of our religion. Exactly the strength of our religion was the reason for Georgia’s survival. That’s why i want you to remember the past..-I got up from my bed and put my hands around the...