
Q. Discuss some of the ways differences and inequalities are made   on streets of the UK

Differences on our UK streets can be looked at by both differences among people - through our social lives and through our material differences.   These can include what people value, what their similarities are, what resources they have and if they are equally distributed.

My own personal experiences of differences and inequalities on UK streets are taken from my own street.   I bought an ex council owned property.   The street which I live in is now approximately only 40% council owned /tenanted with the rest being privately owned.     The difference lie with the way the private home owners treat and respect their surrounding neighbourhood.   These houses are kept neat and tidy, rubbish is put into bins, doors are painted,   there is a feeling of respect.   Unfortunately on the other hand the majority of tenanted/council owned properties are treated with no respect.   They are untidy/unkempt, rubble and rubbish in the driveways.   The general contention that “I do not own it therefore I do not need to keep it to a certain standard”.   This is of course a general view and not all people treat their property this way.   Sleeping policeman have been installed down the road due to young unemployed teenagers driving up and down at silly speed limits.   This is a child orientated area.   Some children are let lose to play in the street unsupervised.   A lot aren’t.   It is easy to use my street to show different social

differences and lives.

The inequalities that I have found are material ones.   Examples of these are “the majority” of the private home owners lead a more economical lifestyle, ie., average car, average bike, nothing too flashy in the way they live.   On the other hand, a large proportion of the council/tenanted homes are extravagant with the way they live.   Big plasma televisions, top of the range phones, brand new cars.   This I believe shows both inequality between...