Dalai Lama

No more than 3 representations of Cleopatra throughout various eras of history.

It is strange that the Hollywood versions of Cleopatra differ so much with what we know presently, Hollywood in the 1970s portrays Cleopatra as a sexual siren that derives much of her power through seduction and female guile, a woman built on   power of her family portrayed as a glamour idol and indeed a sexual icon.                                   I   think this persona owes its basis to a fact non other than Hollywood glamour directed to a emerging cosmetic and beauty industry, if the knowledge of Cleopatra was learned from the silver screen of the 1930s   we would all think that the above was all Cleopatra was, the Cleopatra of the 1963 movie   uses politics and sexual femininity   to get ahead in the historical timeline, what we now know as Cleopatra based on the modern media is that she was a stateswoman, relying on politics and doomed lover and the   modern approach is that {or maybe my modern take on Cleopatra} is that she was a lady raised in a man,s world forced into doing the best for her country and also trying to keep the roman expansion from spreading to her country think that courting two roman lovers ceaser and Mark Anthony shows more than a passing infatuation with the roman male and of course inviting any foreign leader into your inner most sanctum (Cleopatra, 1963) has many drawbacks and unfortunately the roman world in Cleopatra time was built on political deals , indeed two nations both completely differant,one rooted in tradition and culture and another that was constantly affected by senate   versus republican politics with internal wars that in affect were both trying to found a nation, maybe that is why Cleopatra chose two roman generals to be her suitors {if you want to turn a foreign army into your ally isnt it best to get to the source }and indeed if the Egyptian people had won the battle of Actium maybe suicide for the doomed lovers would have not been a...