Cypop5 Task 5 How to Manage Risk

Assessment Task 5   Manage Risk

Supervision is extremely important and as a registered childminder you need to make sure that you are providing a safe and secure environment for the children you are looking after.
Levels of supervision will depend on a number of factors such as the age of the child or children, their ability and if they have any disabilities such as vision or hearing impairments, the activity and the location. A lively curious toddler will need more supervision than a 7 year old just back from school, like wise a child with visual impairment may need more supervision at a park or crossing a road than a child without a visual impairment. There are three main levels of supervision which are the following:
Constant supervision – When you are watching a child all the time maybe when you are in close contact with them. You would have constant supervision of a young child when they are using scissors or using a knife to cut fruit with.
Close supervision is when you watch a child most of the time but are not actually involved but you are ready to step in at any time if they should have their well-being threatened.   This may apply if they are using play equipment such as a climbing frame or using a paddling pool.
General supervision this is when you are aware of what the child is doing and checking on them regularly or keeping an attentive eye on them from a distance. This would apply if children are playing together on the carpet or if you have a sleeping baby/toddler.
I would never let a child go into a room unsupervised and would keep a general eye on them depending on what activity we would be doing.
In the garden you would never let the children play outside unsupervised, you would also not let them play on equipment that is not fit for purpose such as climbing on a wendy house, whilst outside you would have the children under close supervision.
When out walking you would need to use constant supervision as this is very dangerous, I would...