

Development and learning are interconnected as children need to develop certain skills in order learn other things. They can also be driven to learn some things, new skills or abilities as they wish to achieve a goal. An example of this is that children are driven to learn to walk, for this to happen, they need to have a sense of balance, coordination and further growth is required. The child will develop balance, strength in their legs, and improved coordination.Once the child has learnt to walk, they can experience a whole range of different things, they can reach things they have only been able to look at for the past few months, it can therefore be said that because the child has learnt to walk they have now the ability to access further learning.Child initiated play encourages the child to make decisions for themselves, allowing the child to engage in this activity encourages them to gain independence, it equally gives them the opportunity to discover their likes and dislikes.The ability to make choices by themselves, directly impacts on their cognitive skills, allowing them to rationalize, problem solve and come to a conclusion. Play can come in numerous forms, through the use of many different mediums therefore improving a child’s imagination.Play encourages many areas of development, children learn new socializing skills as they interact with more children, language is benefited as the children learn and use new words. This early language development will in turn benefit children as they later learn to read and write.

It is important to know the difference between the sequence and the rate of development as it gives us direction when it comes to monitoring child/young persons needs during stages of their school years. We can then plan effectively to make sure the child receives the help and support they need in areas they could find difficult.
Physical development should follow a specific pattern; a baby of 0-3 months should be expected to...