Cypop 14

Understand the importance of positive relationships for the development and well being of children and young people
1.1 Identify the different relationships children and young people may have

The relationship with parents/carers is the first and most important relationship in a child’s life. They need to have a strong bond or attachment to their primary carers to feel loved and secure. Parents are a child’s first teachers so they build the basis for the development. It is important that the child is praised for their actions and not criticised to help build their self esteem and self worth.

It is important for children and young people to have friends as they learn social skills that will be important to them throughout their lives. These skills can be vital to maintaining social relationships and help them be able to resolve conflict.

Family can help provide a sense of support and help identify who we are. Extended family relationships i.e. grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, can often be a way of learning skills   and provide us with emotional attachments which can be of great benefit during times of stress i.e. separation or death. They can also be part of our lives in times of joy such as marriage, birth of a baby. All this helps us feel a sense of belonging, loved and secure which we need throughout life.

Children learn things growing up with other children at home. Growing up with other siblings provides a different environment socially and emotionally. The older siblings may be at school and so learning new social skills, behaviour patterns and how to interact with others. As young children imitate adults and older children, they learn more quickly.

1.2 Explain the importance of positive relationships for development and wellbeing

Babies need love and attention from the day they are born. This is not just to meet their physical needs, such as feeding, changing, bathing etc. Love and attention from adults is really...