Cyp Piaget

Piaget also believed that children should be actively involved in their own learning and have a play-based curriculum. Piaget agreed that children should be active learners and that children can draw conclusions through exploration. Piaget believed that through conclusions, also known as “schemas”, children can develop and adapt their experiences.
Piaget’s theory of play - he believed that play is not the same as learning and that cognitive development requires adaptation, whereas play is adaptation without accommodation.
Furthermore, Piaget thought that children make decisions and construct their own knowledge in response to their experiences, and learn many things on their own. Piaget’s believed that children learn better without the intervention of other children or adults. Piaget’s approach demonstrates that children are essentially motivated to learn without rewards or praise from adults to motivate their learning. Piaget also suggested that children’s knowledge develops well through sensory and motor play. For example, babies in current settings learn through their sensory motor skills, for example being able to touch and feel natural resources such as treasure baskets, wooden spoons and sponges therefore this supports their development.
Piaget thought that by carrying out observations carefully, practitioners can then provide more appropriate experiences in order to extend children’s thinking and development.
“Piaget claimed that play was just for pleasure, and while it allowed children to practice things they had previously learned, it did not necessarily result in the learning of new things. In other words, play reflects what the child has already learned but does necessarily teach the child anything new.”