Cyp Core 3.4

1:Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people's health and safety.

1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services.

Most of the factors that need to be taken into consideration when planning the health and safety of an environment children will be in, be it the main setting or an off-site visit, are really a matter of common sense. It needs to remembered that everyone in the setting or on a school trip is an individual and may have needs that need to be taken into account. How a setting needs to be set out and planned depends on the age of the children present, how mobile they are, what is within their reach, and what is on their eye level.
Some children have impairments that mean they may have difficulty in understanding explanations of health and safety, a child with lower mental faculties or with physical impairments such as hearing difficulty for example may need more one on one time with a practitioner to try and be sure they grasp the concepts presented to them.
The wants and needs of a child or young persons parents or carers should always be considered and catered for.
There should always be a focus on a settings duty of care, as it is the legal responsibility of any child orientated setting and of the practitioners within it. When any layout of a room, activities or off-site visits are being planned the children's safety and welfare should always be the priority within the said plan.
There should be a clear goal and set of outcomes to be reached from activities that are planned for them. Activities should always be planned around the developmental stage of the children involved so they best match the required outcomes linked to their age. In children under the age of 5 the required outcomes would be set out by the EYFS.
All the practitioners within a setting should be aware of the lines of responsibility and...