Cyp Core 3.3

1.1 Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people

A child/young person has the rights to be protected here is some of the relevant legislation that all professionals should abide by:

Children Act 1989- A child’s welfare is paramount. When making decisions about a child’s upbringing they shall not make an order unless this is better for the child than making no order at all. Every effort should be made to preserve the child’s home life and family links. The child’s wishes and feelings must be assessed by the courts.

Parental responsibility – which is defined as the rights, duties, powers and responsibility which by law a parent is responsible for.

Children Act 2004 - together to safeguard children:

One of the new laws was physical punishment, making it a criminal offence to hit a child if it causes mental harm or leaves lasting marks on the skin.

Every child matters outcomes:
• Be healthy.
• Stay safe.
• Enjoy and achieve.
• Make a positive contribution.
• Economic well-being.

*** Offenders Act 1997- requires offenders to notify the police of their names and addresses. (known as the *** offenders register.

Sexual Offences Act 2003- covers new legislation relating to offences against children such as :
• Abuse of position of trust.
• Trafficking (also covers UK citizens whilst abroad)
• Monitoring of *** offenders (*** offenders act 1997)

Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 : There was a loop hole in other legislation that allowed defendants in murder or manslaughter cases, could blame each other for the death of a child or vulnerable adult. This is now the responsibility for members of a household where they are allowing a child or vulnerable adult to be at significant risk of harm.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 – this includes the right from protection from abuse, the right for the...