Cyp 3.1

CYP 3.1 Child and Young Person Development

1. Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth – 19 years.
1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years.
Physical development is the body growing in ability both in fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Below I have outlined the physical developments that child and young people go through from birth to 19 years old.
Age bracket Physical developments
0-1 years Babies have a lot to learn in their first year, at birth they must quickly learn how to suckle and swallow milk, by their first birthday they can chew solid foods. They learn to hold their head within a couple of weeks and by around four months will have good head control. Babies have a natural instinct to grasp things placed in their hands, by around 6 months they will be able to hold a toy for a short while and by the age of one will be capable of using a pincer grip to pick up tiny things. In their first year babies will learn to roll over, crawl, stand and cruise around with support and some will walk independently.
1-3 years In a child’s second and third year they will become secure in the movements they have already learnt as well as learning new skills. They will learn to independently walk up and down stairs, be able to feed themselves jump and kick a ball, as well as practice fine motor skills like drawing circles, building block towers and undoing buttons.
3-7 years Between the ages of 3 and 7 children will develop enough coordination and balance to learn to throw a ball, hop, run and even walk backwards. They will be capable of using their improved fine motor skills to be able dress and un-dress themselves, do jigsaws and use a pencil in a controlled manor.
7-12 years At this age children/ young people will improve on the fine motor skills they have learnt and will be able to draw and write to a higher level, such as 3d shapes. Puberty can start for girls...