
1. Identify different reasons why people communicate and explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your work place. Why is it important to be aware of the other person’s reactions and body language when you are communicating with them?
Practitioners must spend plenty of time with young children communicating with them. This means talking, singing, making eye contact and most importantly listening and responding to children. It also means helping children to learn about gestures, facial expressions and simple signs.
Children need adults to be physically close to them. For babies this means picking them up, so that they can see the adult’s face and for older children, adults should be getting down to their level.
When babies and toddlers make sounds and talk, it is important that adults show that they are interested and respond positively.
Young people need to use language to socialise with their friends and also to explain their thoughts and feelings. Practitioners can help children by modelling the skills of language. This includes listening to them, using language to explain our thoughts and also by making jokes and socialising with them.
When children’s language has developed, they will need to know how to communicate effectively and confidently with a range of people. Children also need to learn the effect that language can have in situations.
It is also important that practitioners model appropriate communication so that children can learn some of the skills from them.
Positive communication is essential so that young people feel supported.
Practitioners should be good listeners and be ready to avoid making judgements.
Body language impacts a great deal of how we communicate, and can reflect quite accurately what's going on inside us as well as others. Body language includes body movements and gestures (legs, arms, hands, head and torso), posture, muscle tension, eye contact, skin colouring (flushed red), even people's breathing rate...