
CT236 – Principles for implementing duty of care.

1 – Explain what is meant by ‘duty of care’
Duty of care means that attention and caution must be used to avoid negligence that could cause others any harm. By being vigilant and paying attention children will develop;
The ability to foresee and cope with potential dangers.
More robust immune systems
Empathy – understanding that their actions may hurt or upset others
Communication skills to be able to talk about the harm others may be doing to them.
2 – Give three examples of how practitioners safeguard young children by exercising their duty of care.
1 – Carrying out risk assessments. By doing risk assessments this helps to avoid any potential hazards that may lead to a child being harmed.
2 – Setting clear expectations and boundaries for the children’s behaviour and using strategies to prevent behaviour that may harm or distress others.
3 – By understanding the ways and signs of a child being abused and following the appropriate procedures if abuse is suspected.
3 – Why is it important not to take duty of care to the point where children are protected from all elements of risk in their play?
There are times when the duty of care can conflict with children’s rights. If there are no risks or challenges then children will not learn how to predict or avoid dangerous situations.

4 – Children and parents have a right to privacy in their home and family life, and normally settings must uphold this right by ensuring that sensitive information about families is kept confidential, only sharing information with the knowledge and permission of parents. Under what circumstances might a duty of care outweigh this right?
A child’s welfare is paramount and safeguarding a child from abuse would outweigh the confidentiality of the family especially if a family member is suspected of causing the abuse. In this situation information must be shared with the appropriate professionals and can be done without parental...