Critically Analyse the 4 Main Theories of Learning-

The focus of this assignment is to critically analyse each of learning theories that have been discussed within the module and to debate which, if any, the more effective theory for learning is. In order to respond to the title effectively each of theories must be briefly defined and analysed from both a supporting and critical perspective with the works of noted psychologists and authors to support each claim and perspective.
The first learning theory to be discussed is the behaviouristic theory of learning; this theory according to Kamen (2009) focuses on the innate human drives and how these drives influence our ability to learn and behave. The basic concepts within the behaviouristic learning theory do not consider how different contexts and different genetic make ups affect the desired results of the operant conditioning theory. Children learning with special educational needs and disabilities may not be able to recognise positive or negative reinforcement in the same way as the other children just as behavioural theories do not account for free will and internal influences such as moods, thoughts and feelings.
Another key issue within operant conditioning is how does a person determine what is positive and negative reinforcement. The grounds for so many curriculums and early years’ courses are based upon the idea that every child matters and every child is different. The reaction one child has to a particular stimulus can be completely different to that of another child presented with the same stimulus; where one child feels proud having their work displayed for good effort another child may feel embarrassed by it. All of the factors within operant conditioning including positive and negative reinforcement, time out and punishment are not tailored to each individual; many of the factors will therefore fail to impact every child’s behaviour.
It must be taken into consideration that the behaviouristic learning approach provides such an extensive selection...