Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and Creative Thinking Questions
John Doe
PSY 103
June 26, 2015
Dr. Somebody

1.   | Sensation and perception are closely linked. What is the central distinction between the two? |

The central distinction between sensation and perception is that with perception things are decoded, interpreted and then the brain reacts. For example the ear hearing a sound is a sensation but then that sound is sent to the brain and decoded and translated and then it’s perceived to be music. The same with light, our eyes can sense light but it takes perception to determine its color or intensity. Sensory organs detect and send. But it takes perception to interpret it.

2.   | If we sensed and attended equally to each stimulus in the world, the amount of information would be overwhelming. What sensory and perceptual processes help us lessen the din? |

The brain has what is called feature detectors which filter out unnecessary information so our brains are not overloaded with too much information. The brain is also “pre-wired” to filter out information that is constant. As the chapter uses as an example when someone gets braces, they will hurt but as the body becomes used to them you no longer feel them because it is a constant sensation that the brain begins to filter out.

4.   | What senses, outside of hearing, would likely be impaired if a person were somehow missing all of the apparatus of the ear (including the outer, middle, and inner ear)? |

We would lose our vestibular sense which controls balance. Balance is controlled by liquid in the semicircular canals located in the inner ear. Without our balance we would constantly be falling down and bumping into things. And if the vestibular sense was effected then so would our sense of sight because they eye muscles use the vestibular sense to maintain visual fixation.