Criminal Act

Social Problems Versus Social Responsibility Theme

Samuelle Thomas

Crime and Society


Saturday March 5th, 2011

Crime and Society Midterm
Social Problems Versus Social Responsibility Theme

The central subject or theme of this textbook focuses on different social problems and social responsibilities from a variety of   perspectives (i.e. biological, classical thought…) . The social problems and the social responsibility perspectives on crime are similar in the way that they view crime as a whole; but they vary   because of   the way in which they feel crimes occurs.   The social problems perspective states that people themselves can not be held accountable for their actions. Researchers who believe this perspective, feel that criminals actions are caused based upon a failure of society to prevent the problem. Whereas, the social responsibilities perspective states that a person chooses to commit a crime, and that it is not society or your “ social environment” that make this choice for you. There is a lot of research that supports both perspectives, they are still being amended today as researches get to learn more about the psychological and social theories of crime.
According to The Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, the term social contract relate to “Thomas Hobbes, 1588–1679; John Locke, 1632–1704; and Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1712–1778. Scholarly tradition has associated the three because of their alleged common insistence that society originated in a contract, …or agreement…, to which each individual concerned consented and, so, removed himself from the “state of nature” and helped set in motion a regime of government under laws, of impartially administered justice, and of civic morality…”. The idea of a social contract is to unite people in a society together to agree to protect one another from civil crimes.
Natural law states that certain rights and/or values are inherited or universally know by virtue of human reason or human...