Creativity in Management

Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative conception of creativeness is that it is simply the act of making something new.
Creativity has been attributed variously to divine intervention, cognitive processes, the social environment, personality traits, and chance ("accident", "serendipity"). It has been associated with genius, mental illness and humour. Some say it is a trait) we are born with; others say it can be taught with the application of simple techniques.
Although popularly associated with art and literature, it is also an essential part of innovation and invention and is important in professions such as business, economics, architecture, industrial design, science and engineering.
Despite, or perhaps because of, the ambiguity and multi-dimensional nature of creativity, entire industries have been spawned from the pursuit of creative ideas and the development of creativity techniques.
Another adequate definition of creativity is that it is an "assumptions-breaking process." Creative ideas are often generated when one discards preconceived assumptions and attempts a new approach or method that might seem to others unthinkable.
What is Creativity? Creativity is the ability to bring something into existence that was not there before. Webster’s Dictionary Creativity is the connecting and rearranging of knowledge in the minds of people, who allow themselves to think flexibly to generate new, often surprising ideas that others judge to be useful.
Ordinary Actions and Creative Actions The ordinary way of doing things is to use our knowledge, experience, etc. and changing something that exists into something else more, better and/or different. We call this action a ReAction We ReAct ReActions are generated from the part of our brain where we store knowledge, experience, etc. We...