Creative Activity

A02 Unit 9
Creative Activities

Creative activities in a care setting are vital for the service user’s development, creative activities can enrich service user’s lives whist in care. Creative Activities enrich the service user’s life whist they are in care. Creative activities should be adapted to for fill the service user’s needs and capabilities. Creative activities gives the services user the ability to express them selves in different way. Possibly giving them an outlet for inner emotions, the ability to be able to participate in creative activities develops the service user physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs.

For the purpose of this essay I used Albdurny nursing home to use as an example . Albdurny carry out creative activities in their daily routine twice a day. The activities organiser must insure that the creative activity meets the needs and capability of the service user. The organiser must also insure that the service user is given the choose and preferences to participate in the activities or not. The activities organiser at the nursing home provides art and crafts, knitting, gardening activities, group reading and discussing groups, poetry readings, musical entertainers, drawing and day trips out.

Needs and Preferences

All activities must be adapted to the service user’s capabilities and needs. For example if one of the residents was unable to walk and needed to be have the assistants of a wheel chair to gain mobility the activities organiser must adapt to this. If the organiser had planned to go out on a visit in the local community to the theatre. This would mean that the activities organiser would have to ensure that they could facilitate the resident’s needs this would include insuring that the transport was suitable for instants insuring that the min bus has a ramp or a lift for wheel chair access. Because some of the residents have dementias they may need to have more staff to help with maintaining the safety of the...