Creating a Secure Password

University of Phoenix Material
Presentation Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet

Topic:   Creating a Secure Password

Who is the audience for this presentation?
The Audience for my presentation for this week will be the class COMM/218 and the Instructor, Don Olsen.

What is the purpose of this presentation?
The Purpose of my presentation is to stress the need of anyone who uses the internet, computers, or other electrical devices, the importance of having a secure password to protect their personal privacy from cyber thieves.

Explain how the topic is specific and relates to the audience.
Having a secure password is very specific. It is based mainly around one idea and form of protection that individuals have control over. This is an area where people create their own protection and may need a little guidance on how to create one. The presentation only encompasses the idea of creating a secure password and nothing else dealing with personal protection.
This relates to the audience because in this day and age, everyone has or uses a computer. Every computer can be set up with a password to protect its contents. Email account and social media should also be set up with passwords and once again everyone in the class has something dealing with this issue.

Target Audience Analysis:   What special adaptations for these audience types might be necessary for this presentation to be effective?

Technical Personnel | The presentation will be very effective for technical personel because they deal with this information on a daily basis. |
Non-Technical | My presentation goes into great detail on how to create a secure password as well as the mistakes that most people make when creating one. |
Management | I would have to be a little more dressed up if it were management. I still believe that this presentation would explain to management what I will be talking about. |
Client/Stakeholder | Talking to a client or stakeholder I would...