
Characterization of Corinna:
Corinna is an elderly woman, because the picture that is taken of her and posted at the front page of The Evening Standard says “Granny sees her grandchild off” line 66-67.
Corinna sees kids as a wonderful thing, and thing they are lovely, thou she do not like being with them. “She had always been that way about cruelty to children. This was funny because she did not particularly like children when she was with them, but, in imagination, they were heavenly little creatures” line 5-8.
She is very generous and sympathetic; the things she sees at Waterloo Station makes her very sad, all those kids that are getting taken from their mother “The thought of those poor little kids and their deer mothers almost broke Corinnas heart” line 1-2.
Corinna isn’t selfish and likes doing good deeds, and when she spots the little girl with the teddy bear she gets an idea. She goes to the sweet-stall to buy a chocolate bar, witch she wants to give to the little girl, thou she can’t afford it, but money is no use anyway if there is war. The little girl got so surprised that she did not even say thank you. She doesn’t make much money from her second-rate acting, and yet she still wants to spend the pound on the kids, witch she gets from she gentleman at the station “But she liked the idea of going up and down the long lines of children distributing chocolate” line 48-49.
Contrast between imagination and reality
Corinna tourght people would see her like a really good person because she gives away the chocolate, but instead she realizes that is just what she imagines. “It made her go all goose-flesh from excitement. She hoped the old gentleman would see it too.” line 63-65.
Instead she gets used as the granny saying goodbye to her granddaughter, witch is nothing special. The photographer obviously don’t know, that Corinna isn’t the little girls grandmother, so of cause it gets stated like that.
Point of view and use of irony
It is an...