Core 3.2 5.2

Core 3.2. 5.2
There are many approaches to support positive behaviour. 
Positive reinforcements are a way that Encourages children to repeat positive behaviours. It Gives children an incentive to behave in a positive way. This can be in form of praise , stickers and extra attention. It is important that a child knows why they are being rewarded and that the positive reinforcement happens quickly after the good behaviour.If used too frequently or not frequently enough it can lose their interest and it is also Dependent on timing – if you miss the positive behaviour the child may feel ignored.
Modelling is a way that children learn behaviour form others, this is a way of social learning, so it is important that i am a good role model as i do not want bad behaviour copied, i should show consideration, be patience and be polite so that children learn this behaviour. 
Time out seems to be an affective way of giving a child time to calm down from a problem. It s a way that to let children know that they must stop. It is not meant to be used for long periods of time as a child could feel excluded.
Distraction is a way of Taking a child’s mind off the trigger for negative behaviour. it Provides a means of exhibiting positive behaviour and thus praise and rewards. 
De-escalate and diversion is an effective approach to positive behaviour because as it is a way that i can simply divert childrens attention to stop unwanted behaviour.