Continuing Education

Continuing Education
      Unfortunately, today’s economy has caused some people to have to sell their homes, close their businesses, and even enroll in some type of higher education. Although furthering one’s education may not be for everyone, obtaining a degree or certification has become a vital necessity in securing a job today. Besides knowledge, an education offers a way to discover new and interesting things, but it also provides an insight into one’s self. As a matter of fact, in “The Idea of a University,” author John Henry Newman states that “It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them” (54). Today’s world is demanding and challenging; therefore, one should carefully consider furthering their education to enrich and enhance their lives and career skills for the future.
      Typically, when one envisions furthering their education they think of a college or a technical school; however, all around the world there are lessons and resources to be discovered. For example, one can begin to enrich and enhance their lives simply by exploring the outdoors, walking the neighborhood, searching the internet, and talking with others because it provides an array of knowledge, experience, and discoveries for the taking. As a matter of fact, in “Learning in the Key of Life,” author Jon Spayde suggests that “The whole world’s a classroom, and to really make it one, the first thing is to believe it is” (69). People are always looking for opportunities to fulfill their dreams and passions, but some do not understand that their education starts just by opening their front door. After all, sometimes just realizing that something is within one’s reach is all it takes to make some dreams come true. Furthermore, enriching one’s life enables one to flourish and grow into a well-rounded person; consequently, creating a respect and...