Context of Frankenstein and Blade Runner


TIME/ TEXT Scientific Exploration/ Discovery | Social Events/ Issues | Politics of the Time | Values/ Themes in the text(identity, creativity, parental responsibility) | Suggest links from the text’s contexts to our current context (2010)
18th/ 19th century(1818)FrankensteinMary Shelley Late 18th century- Luigi Galvani tries to bring a frog back to life by passing electricity through the legs.1803- Nephew of Galvani conducted an experiment carried out in London with a corpse. He also applied the first electric shock to patients suffering depression.1802- Humphry Davy writes A Discourse, Introductory to a course of lectures on Chemistry and Chemical Philosophy in which he states a new influence has been discovered, which has enabled man to produce from combinations of dead matter effects.1816- Mary Shelley reads Davey | ROMANTICISMThe revolution signaled a throwing off of old traditions and customs of the wealthy classes, as the balance of economic power shifted toward the middle class with the rise of industrialism. As textile factories and iron mills increased production with advanced machinery and technology, the working classes grew restive and increasingly alarmed by jobs that seemed insecure because a worker could be replaced by machines. Most of England's literary thinkers welcomed revolution because it represented an opportunity to establish a harmonious social structure.Around 1811, a period of unemployment, low wages, and high prices led to the Luddite Movement. This movement encouraged people to sabotage the technology and machinery that took jobs away from workers. Because the new machines produced an unparalleled production rate, competition for jobs was fierce, and employers used the low employment rate against their workers by not providing decent wages or working conditions. | For all her passion for reform and her hatred of the despotic Tory elite in England, like many other middle-class writers Mary Shelley was anxious...