

Constantine in his rise to power in the Western Empire and his rise to power is not distinct when compared to any other great military officer. At the death of his father, Constantius, he took command of the troops in Britain and Gaul and demanded recognition as his father’s successor. About the same time in the East, Maxentius, the son of Masimian, undertook to succeed his retired father, killed Serverus(who), ensconced himself in Rome, and demanded recognition.
Outside contenders challenged these two leaders for the control of the empires in the West and in the East. The first challengers, considered pagans, were opposed by Constantine who converted to Christianity. Constantine claimed to have seen a vision from Christ. Christ, in his vision, gave him assurance of victory over Maxentius, and this starts Contantine’s new change. With this vision in mind and contrary to the advice of his military strategies, Constantine invaded Italy from Gaul and descended upon Rome. This could have been a rash move, for had Maxentius stayed inside the walls of Rome, he might have withstood a lengthy siege.   However, Maxentius sailed forth instead, was attacked while crossing the Tiber over the Milvian Bridge, and was drowned. Maximian was also apprehended and disposed of. Thus, in 312, this military hero, Constantine, became the master of the West.
During the beginning of his rule, we see Constantine at once exercising supervision over the affairs of state as well as the church. Constantine seems to have assumes some of the ideas Diocletian implemented the development of the state. In many ways, Constantine carried on these ideas to a higher level as his administration moved in the direction initiated by Diocletian.   Constantine saw to it that within districts, the administration was more closely unified. A further reform of the army, begun by Diocletian, further strengthened the empire.     Constantine demonstrated other administrative abilities.   Constantine...