Conflicting Perspectives

The expression of contrasting views of a given topic is represented through intense opinions by either separate presenters or a single presenter capable of expressing opposing sides to a view.
The contrasting view of a presenter employs persuasive language techniques to encourage readers to adopt the meaning of their representation to a topic.
In order for the presenter to succeed, their optimal medium lies in their representation and in their perceived status before the audience
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Letter to President Bush on the War On Terror by Project for the New American Century and A Self-defeating war by George Soros from the Wall Street Journal will show the use of persuasive language and form and how profound the effect can be in persuading the audience to adopt the meaning of a presenter’s intense opinion.
Persuasive techniques and forms used in these three texts are the appeals to national values, fear, freedom and a sense of justice. Also used are Logos, Pathos, sarcasm, quotes, rhetorical questions and differing styles and tones.
Act III Scene II of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, is the quintessence of how representation and perceived status affect how meaning is conveyed to the audience.
Observe Brutus; a humble man passionate in preserving Rome. Brutus is a character who can invoke love and respect towards him simply because of his moral scruple.
Observe Antony; Antony’s perceived status is shown when the Plebeians quote “There is not a nobler man in Rome”.
Brutus’ speech demonstrates a forthright tone with a declarative style. Attempts of Pathos by Brutus seem only to be Logos, for example Brutus says “There is tears, for his love; joy, for his fortune; honour, for his valour; and death, for his ambition. Who is here so base that would be a bondman?” and by using a rhetorical question his forthright manner complements his use of Logos to project his representation for the audience to adopt his meaning for killing...