Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking

Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking Paper
Janet Patterson
April 6, 2015
        Krista Bridgmon

Conflict and Peacemaking: Conflict is a special kind of frustration.   When an individual must take stand or make a decision between incompatible or contradictory needs, desires, motives, wishes, or external demands, he or she experiences conflict.   Researcher, Royce Anderson (2004) states, “ peace is a condition in which individuals, families, groups, communities, and/or nations experience low levels of violence and engage in mutually harmonious relationships."   This article, The "Discovery" of Child Abuse faces the line crossing of child discipline from spanking to the conflict of labeling child beating and ultimately abuse. This would call for the invention and prevention of child abuse by the peacemaking enactment of criminal legislation in the mid-1960s.

Key words: discipline, spanking, beating, labeling, conflict, and peacemaking

This paper will discuss Stephen J. Pfohl, The "Discovery" of Child Abuse* of Ohio State University on the organizational social forces that arise to the deviant labeling of child beating and which promoted the speedy and universal enactment of criminal legislation in the mid-1960s.   Survey data will consider the initial historical social reaction prior to the formulation of a fixed label, the web of cultural values related to child protection, factors associated with organizational structure of the medical environment and social reaction.   It will also combine conflict, labeling, intervention, preventions, and peacemaking solutions for an interpretation of a specific social-legal development.
Social Conflict
There is documented evidence that parental and caregivers have disciplined with spanking throughout cultural backgrounds. Parents and caregivers have tended to base discipline on different techniques: "power assertion" refers to physical punishment or show force by...