Compare and Contrast Microteach with Observed Lesson

In comparing and contrasting between my microteach and my observed lesson it should be noted at the outset that the microteach was not undertaken in front of “real” students, rather the microteach “students” were actually my peers on the Certificate in Education course.   My class is an adult group studying for an HE qualification, and therefore they are already well versed in both the colleges and the tutor’s expectations of their behaviour as this is already established as part of the Cert Ed. course they are studying.   This group of students can generally be considered to be well educated and of high self esteem, which means that they have high expectations, and set themselves more difficult goals, and have high levels of personal control.

In contrast to the microteach, the observed lesson was with my GCSE fast track group.   This group of students are all aged between 14 and 22 and have come to the fast track GCSE generally as a second chance route to qualifications as they failed to achieve GCSEs whilst in the school system.   Some of the group are statemented for SENs, some have attendance issues, one girl has been pregnant this term and is now a teenage mum, some of the children are from home schooling backgrounds and are experiencing for the first time, education as part of a group in an institutional setting.   These factors combine to mean that this

group has an “abnormal investment in the question of self-worth” (Jones & Berglas, 1978, P.205) which results in varying displays of self-handicapping and low self-esteem within the group dynamic.   Jones and Berglas (1978, p.200) discuss this phenomenon:

“Self-handicappers choose impediments or obstacles to performance that enable them to deflect the cause of failure away from their competence and on to the acquired impediments.”

Hattie (Hattie, 1999) explains this further:

“Examples of self-handicapping include procrastination, the choice of performance-debilitating circumstances (e.g., the dog...