Company Logo

The Perfect Company Logo

The Perfect Company Logo

History for Apple Inc. has come a long way with its technology. Although, growing up my family was able to afford an apple computer or any computer for that matter. I remember the Apple Inc logo as a bitten apple, the color of a rainbow. I always remember this from the commercials but my first encounter with this product was at my cousin house. As I look back at that memory, the computer wasn’t that appealing; and I have realized that I compare that with today’s technology which isn’t fair. Apple Inc has gone above and beyond as years have passed by.
As I progressed in my research I have learned that Apple has owed three logos for their company. The first logo has no resemblance as the last two. The first logo is described as a black and white picture frame with an arch at the top of it. In the picture Sir Isaac Newton is sitting under an apple tree which is how he discovered gravity. The frame is draped with a banner that says “Apple Computer Co.”. By using your imagination you clearly see they don’t look alike but they all involve an apple. However, in my mind I will always the colorful forbidden fruit, a half bitten apple.
When I look at how the company has progressed and the changing of the logo, I see a company whom say I was a bit of the apple American pie. It may seem that a lot of people would like to taste of the once forbidden fruit, thus, the owner’s and employee’s working so hard to get to the top. I don’t think that the design is what made the company; however, some people think that it was the log. The company made a name for the logo and their products backed them up. The basic design element and graphic that was used was later on in the years around 1981-1985 was a heroine set the tone for the introduction of the Macintosh. The Macintosh was the first computer that introduced the mouse, which a low-cost computer project that was built to save Apple. I gather the strong and fast women was...