
Assignment # 12
1. “Credential Society” is the term used to refer the pattern that classifies members of a group depending on their education level. Nowadays, companies tend to use this method to recruit new employees, and this process is creating a huge controversy. Collins displays that the schooling level creates an unbalance in the society because it leaves a big portion of the community without a change to compete for a job opportunity. The rich population is the sector with more probabilities in this competence because it has better chances to access to education; therefore, this sector is going to be recognized with diplomas and degrees which are used as a tool to win the competence. On the other hand, the poor population has lower resources to pursue their educational goals; however, many of the members of this sector make every kind of sacrifice to make it through the educational battle because they know that a degree is the only way they can be on the same level with the rest of the members when looking for job stability in the actual society.
The Gates’s foundation is a hand offering help to the minorities of the society. The main purpose of this foundation is to lead the youth trough the educational way so students can improve their learning process. The managing of the education is a real solution for the crisis that students live when they get into the college. The no-orientation is one of the main causes of students dropping off college, and this is one of the problems that the Gates’s foundation is trying to solve. Offering opportunities to the minorities and to the low income population supports the vision of the foundation, “all lives have an equal value…. All people deserve the chance to have healthy and productive lives…”

2. Social Epidemiology refers to the classification of the society based on the health condition of its members. The age, the gender, the class, and the race of a member play an important role on the health’s...