
By Melissa Bramwell

How communication affects relationships in the work setting

In a work setting we all have a number of relationships that we need to develop and maintain, with children, parents, colleagues, supervisors etc.

Effective communication can help us build strong relationships with children, parents and other adults based on trust and respect. This will enable us to meet both the child and parents needs and resolve any differences or problems we may encounter.

In the early years sector effective communication is vital as it allows us to:
Share and gain information: This could be how a child is feeling or what activities they prefer to do.   It could be a medical condition or an allergies the child has.   It could also be information about a referral to an outside agency i.e. speech therapy , ENT etc.
Settle a child in: When we can communicate with a child they will start to feel more secure and comfortable within their environment. It can also help to gain the trust of their parents as some do find it hard to leave their child.   If a parent is tense, the child will pick up on this.
Support a child's play and learning: When children are relaxed and comfortable they play and learn more effectively which can only be beneficial to all involved.
Ease transitions: If we can develop a strong relationship with other settings then this will aid the child's transition between them.   i.e. nursery to preschool, preschool to school etc.
Become an effective team: By developing strong and professional relationships in the team   this helps to bring a positive, relaxed, creative and caring environment which children can flourish in.

Bad communication can lead to mistrust and disrespect, as it may seem that the communicator is not interested in the children, parents, colleagues or doing a good job within their workplace.

Bad communication can also lead...