
University of Phoenix

Darlene McKinnon
February 22, 2010

Communication is the single most important tool for a successful manager. According to an article in Supervision, “All good managers are good communicators. The average manager spends 80 percent of his/her time communicating in some fashion. The breakdown of that surprisingly large percentage looks like this: 10 percent writing, 15 percent reading, 25 percent listening and 30 percent speaking.”   Communication is the ability to express a point, idea, or feeling to another person. The purpose of communication is to allow ideas to flow freely. Communication is an essential part of any relationship, whether business, or personal. The following will discuss my personal experiences with verbal and nonverbal communication, communicating within a team or group, and formal written communication.
Verbal versus Nonverbal Communication
While discussing communication most people automatically think of conversations; however there are many ways to communicate with individuals. According to De Raffele, “Knowing how to recognize the contradiction of verbal and non-verbal communication goes a long way in effective management. Once you understand the communication cues people give off, you will become a much more effective communicator and listener.”
Nonverbal communication is key when interacting with someone face to face. For me personally, I know that I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve, and although I may not even notice, I may be sending mixed signals to the receiving party. While my mind is preoccupied with whatever may have upset me ten minutes prior to our conversation my face may be telling my current recipient that I am angry or upset with whatever I am speaking to them about. This is not typically the case, and my body language and facial expressions, and sometimes even my intonation, say otherwise. This can certainly create a communication gap, and it’s something...