
Employee Privacy Report
April McCurty
9/9/ 2010
Janie Landry

Every day people use their personal information in one form or another. When people pay bills at a store, online or over the phone they are using personal information. When people use their personal information they are knowingly giving it away. However, sometimes people do not know that they are giving their information away; this personal privacy. As employee a person’s privacy is limited to what is defined by the employer. Employers want to be sure that their employees are performing as they should. To ensure that employees are working employers monitor the workplace. Workplace monitoring leads to privacy-invasive monitoring like video monitoring, telephone monitoring, e-mail and Internet filtering, and different types of tests (such as drug and psychological testing).
E-mail and Internet Use and Privacy
The business world is overflowing with new technologies that enable employees to be more efficient at their jobs. This new technology also makes it possible for employers to monitor an employee’s footsteps. An employer can monitor the phone calls made from company phones, voice and electronic mail on company property, and the use of the Internet through company computers. The email use policy at Eagles Nest Development Center is that e-mail for work related purposes and employees should refrain from using company e-mail for personal reasons. The reasons for this policy are that employees should be working at all times while on company premises, unless otherwise instructed. In addition it states that e-mail use for personal reasons can expose the company computer systems to unnecessary threats and expenses. For example, at Eagles Nest Development Center an employee was checking her e-mail at which time she decided to download an attachment that contained a virus. Her e-mail provider gave her a warning message and she still proceeded to download the attachment....