Communication and Professional Relationships

1.2 Explain the principles of relationship building with children young people and adults.

The principles of relationship building with children, young people and adults coincides with effective communication as it is important to build on mutual respect, willingness to listen to each other and to build on trust. It is important to make others feel comfortable in your company so they feel at ease to talk and express themselves without feeling unsafe. There needs to be clear and effective communication when passing on information to ensure everyone is clear on what has been said to them. Always taking time to listen is a key principle to building positive relationships as it is important to show interest in what has been said as they may rely on your support and guidance. Using consideration and understanding between each other and showing empathy to individual needs as everyone’s personal issues may differ. Everyone is different when it comes to their beliefs, values, culture, and religion so it is important to take time to acknowledge that their opinions as their understandings may be different, so always be patient and respectful, by always using diversity positively. Other key principles for relationship building is to, give positive eye contact,   as it shows care and interest in what is been said. Use positive body language and facial expressions, as it will give a feeling of trust and confidence and allows people to respond back in the same way. Speak clear and concise as it is important for everyone to be able to understand what is being communicated to them as they may be many barriers, like language, speech, disability or age. Show trust and respect by taking time to listen to their points of view, treat people as you would want to be treated. Remembering and showing interested in people’s personal profiles, like names, family, interests, work, or school are important as it show friendship building.       Relationships building with children and young...