Com 155 Week 1 Dqs

What are you doing to ensure you remain an ethical and honest student?

To make sure that I remain an ethical and honest student I make sure I know and abide by the most current rules of the University. I give myself plenty of time to do my school work so that I do not have to resort to cheating. If I come across something that I feel is hard or challenging I am comfortable in knowing that I can reach out to my teacher or one of my advisors. I feel that if there is anything I don’t fully understand it is important to seek help from the before I continue with class not knowing what is going on. I definitely do not plagiarize anyone’s work not only when writing a paper but even during the discussion questions because even the littlest thing matters when you are stealing someone else’s work. When turning in an assignment I always make sure I turn in the certificate of originality to say that I am turning in my own work.

Chapter 2, Section 1.1 of Writing for Success provides information about verbs. List the difference between a linking verb and an action verb. Use at least one example of each type of verb in a sentence.

An action verb is a word that is the center of the predicate and that expresses an action or activity. An action verb is a verb that describes an action like run, jump, eat, kick, cry, break, or think.
Examples of action verbs in sentences:
Peter is kicking the ball.
She accepted my apology.
The wind blows constantly in Chicago.
A verb that connects or links the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective is a linking verb. Linking verbs do not describe action. In some cases verbs are always linking verbs because they never describe an action. In other situations verbs can be linking verbs in some sentences and action verbs in other sentences. One way to determine if the verb is acting as an action verb or a linking verb is to substitute the word is for the verb in question. If the sentence still makes sense than it is more than likely...