College vs Class

College vs. Class
For every success, there is a story of struggle behind it. Bell Hooks starts off telling her story by writing “As a child, I often wanted things money could buy that my parents could not afford and I would not get.” This insight into her life as a child triggers the interest of her readers like me. It keeps the reader wanting to know more about her and her life because to many like me, it is relatable. Just with that one statement it shows how honest she’s going to be throughout her story. As I read more into it, Bell Hooks took a less formal approach to with telling her story. That technique of writing makes her story even more relatable and really holds a reader's interest.
        The average person’s goal from middle school through high school is to get into their dream college. That goal is easier for some than it is for others. Some people can pay; others get scholarships or grants and loans. Getting into college and being in the working class was a challenge for me. Worrying about how you’re going to pay for something is one of the most stressful things a person can go through.  From my junior to senior year, I really started to worry about it. Having a single parent made the challenge more intense, on top of having other siblings in school too.  Hooks mentions, “When I was choosing a college to attend, the issue of money surfaced and had to be talked about. While I would seek loans and scholarships, even if everything related to school was paid for there would still be transportation to pay for, books, and a host of other hidden costs. Letting me know that there was no extra money to be had, mama urged me to attend any college nearby that would offer financial aid.” Thinking of all those things at once is very overwhelming and made me want to give up. I kept thinking, “Where am I getting this money? How much is all this exactly? Is there another way I can do this? Where can I get help?” I stressed myself with these questions every day....