Coaching 1.1

AC 1.1 Describe and define the purpose of workplace coaching

Coaching is an increasingly popular management tool for supporting personal development.
Its aim is to equip people with the tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to fully develop themselves to be effective in their commitment to themselves their employee and their work.

Coaching will develop awareness, responsibility, skills and abilities in the coachee where they come to recognise themselves in the best practice or course of action to take in order to move forward or to deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems.

To me Coaching is forward looking, focusing on the outcomes and how we can achieve and get there.
Coaching is a structured conversation that helps people to:

  Find their own solutions
  Develop their own skills
  Tap into potential
  Change attitudes and behaviour
  Maximise performance
A good coach will observe, listen, question and offer feedback.
Coaching should be positive and shouldn’t be afraid to challenge the coachee, they should be willing to accept any change and feedback, this will help to develop, progress, motivate the individual to find the answers within themselves.
By introducing a coaching culture into the work environment you'll help not just the individual your coaching but the whole team.
The whole basis of the coaching relationship comes down to the honesty and trust between both parties.

Helping others to learn and find out about their own answers without teaching them.
Supporting the identification of personal goals and development needs for the coachee.
Supports performance and talent management process within the society for both the coach and coachee, unlocking the skills of an individual to reach their desired potential.
Empowering individuals to make decisions.
Asking and using effective questions rather than telling an individual to come to a decision.


Coaching can be used to...