Club It Part 3

Organization Description and Demographic Information
During my internship at Club IT, I have witnessed the progress and success of this club. Customers go and socialize while eating, drinking, having fun, and amongst all Club IT is very busy during the evenings. The owners Ruben and Lisa have done a great job with Club IT thus far. To better their business Lisa came to the conclusion that the club needs a wireless system to take orders, so that it can benefit Club IT. I have decided to perform an analysis to incorporate a Kiosk and Night Audit System.
Goals and Strategy
Lisa and Ruben have a great view of what they want for Club IT. Serving 21-30 year olds, they have been able to meet there short term goal. They have built a place where the community can gather on daily basis. However, Lisa and Ruben are looking forward to incorporating systems that can give them timely numbers with their inventory cost, and quantities. A self service device that can fulfill this goal is a Kiosk terminal along with a night audit.
A Kiosk terminal is a devise used with internet connections thus making it a wireless order system. It can be used by managers and employees to serve their customers with food, beverages, and even merchandize such as souvenirs and items with the club logos on it. It is very convenient for the customers as well because they can also use the Kiosk to place orders themselves. A kiosk can save Club IT a lot of money. Kiosk is self service so they will need fewer employees. It can reduce the amount of employee turnovers, distribution cost, and cost of printing. Club It will also need less resources to process new hires coming in to the organization. There are many different types of kiosk the Club can implement. It is preferred for them to design their own system.
A night audit is used to keep track of all transactions made in the organization.   It keeps track of orders, purchases, and inventory. This system will also separate the payments made by cash or...