Cleanliness Champion

Cleanliness Champions Programme was enforced by the government of Scotland to reduce, control and recognise infection risks as well as to educate the NHS health care workers in promoting safe practice within the care environment (NHS Education for Scotland, 2009).
  The cleanliness champions programme’s chain of infection consist of six links: the infectious agent( a type of bacteria);the reservoir(open wound);the portal of exit(changing the wound dressing );the mode of transmission(no PPE);the portal of entry(attending to other patients with open wound or low resistance);the susceptible host(patient who is unable to resist the infection).The chain of infection can be broken through various ways such as immediate identification of bacteria and recognition of high risk patients(West, B., et al 2006). Sanitation and sterilization, aseptic technique, disinfection including proper waste disposal and emphasize on health care worker’s practice particularly to hand washing should be considered.
  The single simplest way in preventing spread of micro-organisms is by doing hand hygiene. There are three simple ways   to decontaminate our hands. Washing your hand with liquid soap in running water(Social hand washing). Use of alcohol gel or antiseptic hand rub when hands are not visibly soiled but washing of liquid soap with running water is essential after several use of the technique(Hygiene hand decontamination). Use of antiseptic liquid before surgery which includes washing the forearms thru the elbow(Surgical hand washing) (Dougherty and Lister, 2008). In health care environment, enough supply to be use for hand washing such as proper liquid soaps, hand towels and appropriate bin is in use (foot operated). Jewellery except wedding bands should not be worn during hand washing as they are potential reservoir for infection. The use of the six steps hand washing technique is recommended. Though importance of hand washing has been recognised to prevent the spread of...