Civil War

Civil War

Andimore Johnson
American Literature

There have been many reasons to why the Civil War happened, however the most common reason known to everyone is slavery. The north and the south had different views on what should be done about slavery whether it should be completely abolished or let people choose on their own if they want to have slaves. The south felt that slavery was a necessity to the growth of their economy because they used slaves to work on their plantations. Their jobs consisted of being farmers, maids, nanny’s, and even cooks. The states in the south made sure that those slaves had no rights and nowhere to go. The anger between that states began though when the north decided that they would not return runaway slaves to they’re neighboring slave enforced states and were working towards abolishing slavery. ( Also in this argument was whether or not areas that were becoming new states should be allowed to have slaves. ( It is said that one argument became so violent that a northern Congressmen beat a southern Congressman badly with his very own cane. After the failure of the Missouri Compromise in1860 and the Compromise in 1850and the election of Abraham Lincoln eventually had a consequence of the first state secessions. South Carolina was the first to seceded, thinking that Lincoln was going to appoint antislavery officials, military personnel, and judges. When Lincoln made the decision once again supply Fort Sumter, which was a federal held Fort in southern territory, the war officially began that year in 1861.
Besides the great impact that slavery had on starting the Civil War the tariff rate issues the north and south were having between each other also contributed to the war happening. It is stated that the northern states became the focal point of manufacturing and other related industries when the country began expanding their territories and forming alliances with others. In order...