Civil Rights

Discuss the nature of the relationship between the English and the Indians, the techniques used by both sides to assert their interests, and the reasons the English were ultimately victorious.
In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He found the new world, a world which was soon to be dominated by the white man. Initially, for a little time, there were good relations between the Indians and the English. This was yet to be changed drastically. The English brought with them diseases such as plague and smallpox which the Indians were not immune to, animals the Indians had never seen, and weapons the Indians may have never even thought of. The English were prepared with guns and mechanical weapons while the Indians had poor resources, able to only fight with bows and arrows.   Being peaceful, the Indians wanted no violence to erupt with these new folks, but that wasn’t going to last forever, rather it wouldn’t last for even a little time. The English were coldhearted and ready to massacre the Indians unlawfully.  
When the English came to the new world they tried to dominate everything they could. They tried to steal the Indians’ land, their children, and their women. The Indians couldn’t do much, they lacked the equipment to fight back and they were peaceful, not wanting to fight.   As time flew by, the English fully established their presence in the new world. It was clear that they were here to stay, and their impact was yet to get severe. Over time, as the English were establishing their presence and creating a new society, they were pushing the Indians away from the land that once belonged to them. Although the Indians may have wanted to do something there was so much they could actually do. They were outnumbered in power and resources, it would be impossible to stop the English.
By the 1600s, as the Indians had moved deeper into the west, laws were being created in the new English society that would help to better it. The Virginia House of...