Chupacabra Essay

Chupacabra Essay
The Hispanic chupacabra and the American Jersey Devil are similar creatures, but they also have many differences. They are similar in the way their appearance has been described by eyewitnesses. Both the chupacabra and the Jersey Devil are said to have bat-like wings, glowing eyes, and fangs. They are also described as short gargoyle-like creatures. They also both walk on two legs, unlike the Texas chupacabra, which walks on four legs. Another similarity is that both creatures have worked their way into popular culture. The chupacabra has appeared on various TV shows, and the Jersey Devil even lent its name to New Jersey’s team in the National Hockey League. Although some accounts of the chupacabra and the Jersey Devil are so similar that it has led some to wonder if they are the same creature, they do have many differences. One difference is their location. The chupacabra has been reported in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and parts of the United States as far north as Maine, and also as far south as Chile. On the other hand, the Jersey Devil has only been seen in New Jersey. Also, they differ in the time periods they have been seen. Chupacabra sightings have been claimed as early as 1990, whereas most documented cases of the Jersey Devil have been in recent years. While their descriptions are similar for the most part, there are still slight differences. For example, a common description of the chupacabra describes it as a reptile-like being, with a dog or panther-like nose and face. The Jersey Devil is different because it is described as having the head of a horse, and some also believe it came from a human. In conclusion, the chupacabra and the Jersey Devil are two different creatures, but they also share many similarities.