Chopin's the Story of an Hour.

The Story of an Hour

English 125 Introduction to Literature
Instructor Solomon
December 1, 2012

In Kate Chopin’s, “The Story of an Hour,” written by Kate Chopin in 1894, Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with heart, and the news of her husband’s death had to be broken to her as gentle as possible. Mrs. Mallard’s sister Josephine broke the news of her husband killing in a train accident. Josephine broke the news to her in broken sentences. The sentences had to be broken in a way that Mrs. Mallard could take them. Mr. Mallard’s friend stands by, and listens to Josephine telling Mrs. Mallard the news. Richard was at the newspaper office when he sees the list of names on it from the railroad accident, and Mr. Mallards name was clearly on it.
During this time, woman did not have much power or have any say into anything. Woman were the ones that stayed home and took care of the family and tended to the house, while the husband went out for work, sometimes husbands were gone for weeks at a time. Woman did what the husbands told them to do, and the woman had no rights to say anything. Even though woman had their desires, and feelings, the husbands in this time never talked about their wives desires or feelings. Woman did what their husbands told them to do, and they lived the way the husbands expected them to live.
One major theme in The Story of an hour is freedom. Her confidence becomes explicit and strong. In the beginning of the “Story of an Hour” Mrs. Mallard has been told her husband was killed in a train accident by her sister Josephine. Josephine breaks the news to her gently because of her heart condition. Mrs. Mallard’s reactions to the accident at first she was upset. She runs to her room weeping, and upset. While in her room, Mrs. Mallard had a different side of herself. She is happy her husband is dead; she begins seeing herself as free. When she abandoned herself, a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it repeatedly under her...