Children/Young People's Development from Birth to 19

Children and young people’s development
Children and young people’s development is a complex issue, therefore the details of this as shown below, have been divided into timelines and different sectors of development, to include physical development, communication and intellectual development and social, emotional and behavioural development.
Age 0-3 | Age 3-7 | Age 7-12 |
Physical Development | Physical development | Physical development |
This all starts when a baby arrives into the world.   It sleeps for up to 17 hours a day, but straight away its physical development begins.   Within the first month a baby will suck, lift their head briefly and stare at faces.   By six months this gradually progresses to cooing, holding their head steady, visually tracking moving objects to smiling, laughing and other facial expressions, to eventually trying to copy speaking.   They start to roll over as the muscles get stronger in both their arms and legs, and eventually learn how to coordinate their movements.By the time a child reaches a year, their muscles have usually developed strong enough to crawl, or even walk.   From now on, their gross motor skills develop faster as they learn to walk, throw, climb, talk, play with toys and participate in other activities.   Assertiveness as well as patience is very important from now on.   Their gross motor skills will become very apparent as they try to feed themselves, coordinate their hand movements, try to change their own clothes, draw, and even make short sentences. | As a child gets to around 3-4 they should by now be feeding themselves, even though they will still make mistakes.   Their fine motor skills will be progressing to holding a pencil, cutting paper, building towers with blocks to pouring water from one container to another.   By the time they reach 4-5 they will be refining these skills and forming others, such as hoping, kicking a football to running or trying to catch an object.   Even dressing and undressing or...