Children and Technology

Marjorie Johnson
Essay # 2
December 12, 2010
Children and Technology

Finding a child who does not know how to use a computer in this day and age is rare; this would be considered a bad thing to many people. Computers have become a social norm; our society has forgotten what life was like without Google, Facebook and Twitter. How did people ever function? How did people ever communicate? The library, writing letters to people who are far away or picking up a telephone and actually calling a person instead of texting them have all become things of the past. Reality is now being mixed with technology and it is also being confused as one in the same. Children who are surrounded by computer technology will loose their creativity, will be less social, develop a high chance of obesity and will develop a dependency on technology to do their work. If people immerse their children in computers, the children will have an impoverished childhood.
Since its invention, the computer has made unimaginable advancements. What once was an option has now become a necessity, a requirement, but does that make it help or a hindrance?   Some would argue the latter when it comes to children. From birth to the teen age the mind of a child is like a sponge, it soaks and stores all of the information it is given. Computers are no longer being used as a tool to help retrieve information it is now being used as a replacement for reality. Children in the earlier years used toys, crayons, plato and a number of items to stimulate their imagination. Imagination is a key tool in inventions that continue to help society. If a child believes that everything is accessible to them through their computer, they will become less creative. Spending more time on the computer and less time doing activities that stimulate the brain will ultimately take the creative process away from future generations. If children are not creative, they will become more adult like too early. People grow in stages for a...