Child Labour

Child labour is a socio-economic problem that has become a bone of contention rather an issue that needs to be remedied to secure the future of children and the world as a whole. Child labour is umbilical connected to poverty and unemployment which form part of the equation that results into terror of forced labour the children are experiencing. In developing countries Zambia inclusive, with high poverty and poor schooling opportunities, child labour is still prevalent. In 2010, Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest incidence rates of child labour, with several African nations witnessing over 50 percent of children aged 5-14 working (Wells, 2010: 481). However, the child labour has been taken to be an act of cultural invasion by some sections of the society and this has made this issue to highly debatable.
Child labour continues to be an emerging issue in Zambia and the world. It is opposed to the saying that goes “children are the future leaders of tomorrow” because these future leaders have today become victims of forced labour that has threatened both their future and that of the world. Therefore, this presentation endeavors to present the Armageddon or opposing and proposing views surrounding the controversial issue of child labour that has taken the spotlight by storm due to various divergent issues surrounding it. This paper will begin by defining the key terms which are child, labour and child labour and then proceed to highlighting its causes then the opposing and proposing views.
According to Silvia (1981), a child is someone who needs adult protection for physical, psychological and intellectual development until able to become independently integrated into the adult world. According to Article 1 of the 1990 United Nations Convention, a child is defined as, every human being below the age of eighteen years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier" and the Zambian constitution draws its...