Child Development Chart

Understanding children and young person’s development Unit 2

1.Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years. This must include physical development, speech and language, intellectual and cognitive development and social development.

Physical development.
As a newborn, infants are showing signs of physical development. They can move their head and limbs, will start to grasp fingers and if held in an upright position use their legs in a stepping movement. By 6 months old an infant can roll from their backs on to their stomachs and push their heads, chest and necks off the floor. By 1 year they could be sitting alone without support, reach out for toys and could also be mobile through crawling or shuffling. By the age a child will have started to show hand preference, can click two cubes together and will place the cubes in a box when shows how to. At 18 months a child may be able to walk, will push and pull toys when walking and are able to kick, roll and throw a ball. Some children are capable of using a spoon, turn a handle of a door and pull off their shoes. Between the ages of 2 and 4 years a child will have greatly improved both their gross and fine motor skills. Most young children can jump off the ground with both feet. They can walk up and down stairs with both feet on one step and run without falling. Some children may also be able to pedal a tricycle, aim, throw and catch a large ball and walk on their tiptoes. Toddlers may also be able to follow a simple dancing rhythm. Fine motor skills of a young child between 2 and 4 years may include drawing circles and dots, drawing faces and turning a single page in a book. They are capable of using a spoon to feed themselves, can thread large beads and undo buttons. By the time a child is 4-7 years a child’s fine motor skills may include; putting together a 12 piece jigsaw and are able to button and unbutton their own clothes. By 5 years they...