Cherokee Removal

Cherokee Removal
Don A. Gago

The Cherokee Nation had many traditions during the 17th - 19th century that was influenced by the southern white tradition.   This Cherokee tribe and others were altered to adjust to white methods and approaches.   These are some of the facts that lead to changes to the Cherokee Nation in the south.
Pre-Columbian traditions and ethnic structures were embedded in this time by the Cherokee Nation.   The callings of Indians and the whites in the southern states had a number of shared benefits, customs, principles and even goals.   The similarities were due to a close association established over periods and close contact, affiliations formed by the lively elements within the Cherokee’s novel understanding and communication with their white neighbors and their beliefs.

The Cherokee assumed many forms and practices freely, others had to have them forced upon them and some were already in place.   Some of the traditions in south were taken away from them in some form or fashion.   Their traditional cultures of the Cherokee were threatened by the white traditions which over time they closely identified themselves just as southerners just as the whites did.
The Cherokee belief system was that there was a supreme being that could not be look upon, but as the creator the people would have their crops and animals blessed by the creator.  

But as the southern counterparts that adopted the slave concept, was also adopted by the Cherokee Indians.   The Cherokee also relied on a slightly different variation of oppression with slaves.   The method that the Cherokee and other tribes in regards to the enslavement in which members of the opposite tribes apprehended in war were used in labor and agriculture was common among Indian tribes of North America long before interaction with Europeans.

“The tribe’s dependence on the Southern tradition of African slavery became more integral to their economy and agriculture as time went on....