Chemistry Assessment Terms

Topic 1: Quantitative Chemistry

1.1.1 Apply the mole concept to substances
The mole concept applies to all kinds of particles: atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, formula units, and son on.   The amount of substance is measured in moles.   Avogadro’s constant: 6.02 * 10^23 mol-1

1.1.2 Determine the number of particles and the amount of substance (in moles)
Convert between the amount of stance (in moles) and the number of atoms, molecules, ions, electrons and formula units.

1.2 Formulas

1.2.1 Define the terms “relative atomic mass” (Ar) and “relative molecular mass” (Mr)
Relative Atomic Mass: Mass of one mole of atoms
Relative Molecular Mass: Mass of one mole of a compound

1.2.2 Calculate the mass of one mole of a species from its formula

1.2.3 Solve problems involving the relationship between the amount of substance in moles, mass and molar mass.

1.2.4 Distinguish between the terms “empirical formula” and “molecular formula”
Chemical formula: the number of each type of atom in the smallest viable unit of the substance.   The chemical formula will be an integral number of the empirical formula
Empirical formula: the simplest possible ratio of elements in a substance.

1.2.5 Determine the empirical formula from the percentage composition or from other experimental data.

1.2.6 Determine the molecular formula when given both the empirical formula and experimental data.

1.3 Chemical Equations

1.3.1 Deduce chemical equations when all reactants and products are given.

1.3.2 Identify the mole ratio of any two species in a chemical equation

1.3.3 Apply the state symbols (s), (l), (g) and (aq)

1.4 Mass and Gaseous Volume Relationships in Chemical Reactions

1.4.1 Calculate theoretical yields from chemical equations.
Given a chemical equation and the mass or amount (in moles) of one species, calculate the mass or amount of another species.

1.4.2 Determine the limiting reactant and the reactant in excess when quantities or...